Anesthesia and Sedation
Thanks to the great advances in the fields of oral surgery and implantology, anesthetic techniques favor surgical procedures by blocking any perception of pain, touch or pressure in the area to be operated on.
It can be performed with local anesthesia through injectable substances that are applied subcutaneously on the mucous membranes or by regional blockade on the nerve trunks, or with oral sedation through the administration of drugs that allow the patient to obtain a state of relaxation and tranquility thus facilitating the process, and eliminating any anxiety and fear.

Favors the surgical procedure
Blocks pain perception
Touch or pressure on the area to be operated on
Local anesthesia through injectable substances
Subcutaneous on mucous membranes
By regional blockade on nerve trunks
Oral sedation
State of relaxation and tranquility
Eliminating anxiety and fear.