Creating Beautiful Smiles Is Our SuperpowerWelcome to Dentalia
For Healthy Teeth and a Beautiful SmileCOMPLETE DENTAL CARE
Starting Off With Good Dental CareFamily Dentistry
General dentistry is for patients of all ages offering complete, comprehensive dental health care.
Read moreWe work toward creating youthful smiles for patients whose natural teeth require replacement.
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Complete Dental Care
Dentalia is a modern dental clinic, specialized in advanced diagnostics and treatment of dental and oral disorders.
We offer comprehensive services from all fields of dentistry. In addition to high-end dental equipment, all services are provided in a comfortable, luxury environment. New patients are welcomed with a complimentary oral health consultation.
Popular Procedures
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Dental Implants
Dental implants are a common procedure of permanently replacing missing teeth without affecting neighboring teeth.

Teeth Whitening
Laser teeth whitening allows us to whiten your teeth for as much as 8 shades in just one visit.

Oral Health Consultation
Your smile matters to us, so your first oral health consultation at our clinic is completely free of charge.

Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are an ideal cosmetic solution for everyone who desires a beautiful smile with minimal invasions into their teeth.

Proper oral hygiene does not only prevent caries and periodontal disease but also affects our overall health.

Invisible Braces
A modern solution of straightening your teeth through clear braces, made specifically to fit your mouth.

Happy healthy smiles!
Matthew Cruise

Dr. Orion is the best!
The Simons Family

A Wonderful expirience
Sandra White
Meet Our Dentists
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Contact us!
Fill out the form and we will contact you during our working hours.
News & Articles
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Our Opening Offer
In addition to the free X-Ray on the first visit. We remind you that at the Cespedes Dental Clinic our...

Ten keys to a healthy mouth and teeth
Although 84 percent of Spaniards claim to know that they should visit the dentist at least once a year, less...

Dentists warn: Why you should not use mouthwash uncontrollably
General Council of Dentists has warned of a notable increase in the number of people using mouthwash without a dentist's...

Interceptive orthodontics in children: when to start and how to prevent future problems
This treatment avoids complications and anomalies that in adulthood can only be corrected by orthognathic surgery. Interceptive orthodontics is a...

Nuestra Oferta de inauguración
Además de la Radiografía gratuita en la primera visita. Os recordamos que en la Clínica Dental de Céspedes nuestro objetivo...

Diez claves para tener una boca y dientes sanos
Aunque el 84 por ciento de los españoles afirma saber que debe visitar al dentista al menos una vez al...

Los dentistas alertan: Por qué no debes usar el enjuague bucal sin control
El Consejo General de Dentistas ha alertado del notable incremento de personas que utilizan el enjuague bucal sin la prescripción...

Ortodoncia interceptiva en niños: cuándo empezar y cómo prevenir problemas futuros
Este tratamiento evita complicaciones y anomalías que en la edad adulta solo pueden corregirse mediante cirugía ortognática La ortodoncia interceptiva...